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each transaction with a

Professional Team of Advisors……



At Trinity Transaction Advisory, we often work directly with people who have built their business from the ground up, and help them to transition their company to investors seeking to take their businesses to new heights...
The Business Insider, an online creator of business-related content for the internet, was recently purchased by German publisher Axel Springer for over $400 million. It’s just one more example of how important readership can be in the information age...
As it turns out, the chances aren’t that good, and in almost every case a large company should not transfer operations of a company over to the children. It didn’t work with Anheuser-Busch and it didn’t work with Ford...
Deciding to sell your business was probably one of the toughest decisions you’ve ever had to make. You’ve worked hard to grow it into the company that it is today and saying goodbye to it is can be harder than sending a child off to college...
Buying and selling companies isn’t something that’s an everyday process in for many people. In fact, most people will live their entire lives without having to go through the process of selling a business...
When you’re considering selling a business, it’s important to consider the overall health of your company and determine how your business may look to potential investors before going to market with an M&A advisory. Key acquisition attributes must be considered in order to attract quality buyers willing to pay top dollar...
Here at Trinity Transaction Advisory we’re ready to help you through every step of the process of selling a business, and that includes preparing you for potential tax problems and opportunities that might come along...
There’s an old saying that there are only three times to sell your business: when you want to sell, when you have to sell, and when they’re settling your estate. It’s a simple statement, but it really does drive the point home nicely and succinctly: if given the choice, there is only one of these three options that work out for you...
If you’re a business owner thinking about selling your business, you probably think you have a pretty good handle on your industry and what the best way would be to go about selling. After all, over the years you’ve dealt with large purchases, lawyers, and negotiating...
There’s one aspect of selling a business that can’t be overemphasized, and that is the need for discretion...