Engage Your Trinity Team today
Did you know, according to industry statistics, the average intermediary only closes about 1.7 out of every 10 companies they represent? In addition, the vast majority of businesses that are actually sold by a traditional intermediary are sold for far less than Fair Market Value. As an M&A Advisory (Mergers and Acquisitions), we close roughly 90% of our engagements. Our 7 Stage M&A System will increase your chances of selling a business, maximize your value, lower your transaction cost, and lower your tax liability, all while keeping an eye on the finish line.
Improve your chances of selling your business and put more money in your pocket by engaging Trinity today. As an M&A Transaction Advisory, we will take the necessary time to help you properly plan and position your company to accomplish your objectives and preserve shareholder value resulting in higher returns with substantially better closing rates than the industry average.
Sell-Side Advisory Services: